Case Study: Visteon, Chennai


0.35 million units of energy savings worth 3 million rupees for 2014-15 and 311 tons of CO2 emission reduced

Conserve's Delivering Performance through Sustainability Audit: Visteon, Chennai


Located at Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai, Visteon Automotive System India Private Limited is a leading manufacturer of automotives in the world with 21 manufacturing units world-wide including 3 in India. Apart from being a primary supplier to Ford India, it is a key supplier to major domestic and multinational OEMs in India.


Having adopted world-class standards, the Sustainability Policy of the Company envisages Visteon Chennai to reduce CO2 emissions through improvement in energy efficiency @ 10% every year. In addition to the various in-house activities, Visteon approached Conserve Consultants for increasing its efficiency by availing the Sustainability Audits and Services.



An analysis of the energy consumption of different equipment revealed major power consumption from:

  1. Manufacturing Process Equipment like CAB furnaces, Molding machines, Deoiler and Degreaser consuming 53%
  2. Utility Equipment like Compressed Air System, HVAC and Furnace consuming 47%

Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) identified:

  1. Arresting air leakages and increasing delivery pipeline sizes in Compressed Air Systems
  2. Modification of Chilled Water Lines, Isolation of Chillers in HVAC Systems
  3. Heat recovery from exhaust, Arresting heat escape from Furnace in Manufacturing Equipment
  4. Contemporary approach using emerging technologies like Daylight controllers and SRI paints


  1. 0.35 million units of energy savings worth 3 million rupees for 2014-15
  2. 311 tons of CO2 emission reduced
  3. All ECMs identified with a minimum payback period of 6 months to give savings of 0.30 million units

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