Our Team


Parasuraman R – Chairman

  • Distinguished Thought Leader
  • Past Founding Vice Chairman of World Green Building Council
  • Past Founding Chairman of Indian Green Building Council
  • Chairman of Green Products and Services Council

Juzer Kothari – Managing Director

  • Distinguished LEED Fellow
  • Distinguished IGBC Fellow
  • BEE Certified Energy Auditor & Manager
  • Judge (Building Sector) at CII Energy Efficiency Summit
  • Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur
  • Expert GRIHA Trainer
  • Train the Trainer Certified on EnergyPlus Software

B R V Murthy – Advisor

  • 45+ years and 500+ major projects in MEP Design
    and Consulting
  • Past Founder, Chairman & MD of Potential Services
    Consultants & Potential Project Management Consultants –
    the largest MEP consulting organisation in India
  • Founder President of Electrical Consultants Association
    of India
  • Author of 3 books

Mustafa Moochhala – Director

  • Management Consultant
  • Experience with NGOs and Corporates
  • Specializes in Organizational and Individual Effectiveness
  • Graduated from XLRI, Jamshedpur
  • Previous employment at Ma Foi, Modi Xerox, and Pradan
  • Founder of Innobridge Consulting
  • Works in areas of Corporate Social Responsibility

S Rajasekaran – Director

  • Provides strategic advice to the Conserve Team
  • Over 16 years of experience in Facilities and Project Management
  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Approved Energy Auditor and Manager by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Energy, Government of India
  • Previous experience in operations and maintenance at Thermax Ltd.
  • Worked on projects in Europe and South East Asia