CertificationPLUS Case Study: LEED India PLATINUM rating for REVA University Admin and Academic Block
REVA is an educational institution project completed in 2013. The project is a 70,000 sq.ft. administrative cum classroom building located in Bangalore. In India very few educational sector go in for Green Building Certification. REVA University is one step ahead in making their building Green, Beyond Certification.
This building project targeted and achieved LEED India Platinum Certification through our meticulous CertificationPLUS Approach.
Since the initial design stage, Conserve Consultants facilitated numerous meetings with the project stakeholders to help facilitate to take important design stage decisions pertaining to sustainability. For example, we started off along with the architects to ensure that all natural ventilation compliance are being met as the building was to be designed with more than 90% of its area as naturally ventilated. The natural ventilation opening has to be optimized with adequate size and shades to ensure glare free natural daylighting.
Conserve Consultants facilitated many design charrette with Client, Architects & Consultants to discuss desired green and high-performance features to get all targeted points under energy and atmosphere credits. Conserve Consultants explored a variety of possible Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in all areas using energy simulation and the most optimum of them were proposed.
The following Energy Conservation Measures were suggested and implemented by client. Efficient Building Envelopes (aerocon blocks & green roof), daylighting and energy optimized glazing (ST 120 SGU), efficient lighting design for interior and exterior areas, occupancy sensors in required spaces, daylight Sensors wherever feasible, natural ventilation for Classrooms, Solar Photovoltaic Panels (55 kWp) to achieve the maximum points in energy savings. Conserve Consultants energy analysis evaluated alternatives, lead to a reduction in energy costs by 33 % when compared to an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 code-compliant baseline design. Based on the above ECMs, the overall cost savings come to around 17 Lakhs per Annum. The payback period of the proposed building designs would be less than four years.
On the water front, it was made sure that storm water is contained on the site and that it is infiltrated in the ground there by reducing surface run off to reduce water dependence on municipal water supply. The complete waste water was treated to tertiary standards, thereby reducing the load on municipal system & fresh raw water consumption for landscape and toilet flushing. Also Conserve Consultants liaisoned with the architect and plumbing consultants and ensured the selection of the most water efficient flush & flow fixtures which reduced the overall fresh water consumption by almost 55% of the project.
Conserve Consultants closely worked along with the Contractors/Vendors/PMC by conducting regular training & workshop. We made sure that the project procures materials that are locally procured, having high recycled contents and rapidly renewable materials (almost 10% of all material used in the project is rapidly renewable materials). During construction, most of waste was recycled rather than go to landfills (almost 95% of the construction waste has been successfully diverted).
Conserve Consultants, from the initial design stage of the project actively involved its expert commissioning team working out the owner Project requirements which formed the design brief for the MEP Consultants. Conserve Consultants, continually improved the design & construction of engineering services, with design stage reviews and contractors submittal review with a strong sustainability lens to check the suitability of it to the highest green certification . Conserve Consultants with its powerful site coordination services was able to ensure a stellar high performance building.
This most active and engaged building in the campus developed on sustainable building guidelines finally awarded with LEED India Platinum certification. It is also the First Naturally Ventilated Building in India to achieve this feat. As per design, Energy Performance Index (EPI) of the project is supposed to be 6.34 KWh/ sqft. As per the current occupancy (60% occupied) during the winter season the building has a surplus generation of 1100 KWh per month which is being used by other buildings within campus.
Ar. Lokesh Bharathidasan
Partner-Sustainability Projects, Conserve Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
This Case Study Article has been published in Buildotech Magazine, August 2016.
Conserve Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (CONSERVE) is a global consulting firm in the business of planning, design, development and maintenance of Energy Efficient, Sustainable, High Performance Green Buildings and Organizations. CONSERVE expertise lies in Certification(Green Building Rating Systems eg. LEED, IGBC, GRIHA etc.) and CertificationPlus(Design, Construction and Operations) of Built-Environment Projects. We also offer SustainabilityPlus services at organizational level.
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